Friday 12 September 2014

(with english accent)la doctrina de shock -post not actually related to "la doctrina del shock" xd.

The diffrerence between my old school and Juan gomez milla`s social enviroment is extremly different. Entering to this university was a really powerful shock. But in a good way, though. It was a really nice shock... it felt good. (xd)

I went to private school in a little town on the outskirts of Santiago(Talagante). So, as you might have deduced it was a very good place for "cuicos" children to go to. I wasnt fond  of that institution at all... neither the kind  of people that were my classmates- not everyone, but most of them xd-  nor the "values" the school supposedly taught us. I wasnt confortable. I wasnt home. ):
Happily I was able to enter Juan Gomez, which is place I love (I actually wrote a whole post about it some weeks before). I am confortable now(: : nice people, form every where, with many different life stories to tell. If we had to put in one concept: culturally diverse. Multiplicity of people.
This social  enviroment clearly contrast with one I first described; they are, you might say, opposites. On one side you had anything, but cultural diversity and on the other, the only thing you have is cultural multiplicity. (:

Friday 5 September 2014

I have had good luck regarding the concert subject: I have been too quiet a few good "contestants" to this "best concert ever competition". I have three finalist: Los Bunkers in Isla de Maipo (it was free :o), Cage the Elephant and Portugal. The man in santiago and Manu Chao in Temuco <3. I think each of them are  equaly good as the other ones. How ever today I will describe Cage the Elephants and Portugal the mans concert, as its the one I most recently went to.
It was in April. Or march xd. It took place in a really small stage, so it was like a really personal show. Plus cage the elephants concerts are known for being very energetic. Specially because of their lead vocalist, that is used to jump to the audience and dance in a very  energetic way (jumps with no shirt on -crazy like-).

Interior. Sunday. Night. (jaja)
Cage  the elephant and Potugal. The mans concert.
I enter with two friends (one of them gave me the ticket(: [because his girlfriend was sick and couldnt go): ] ). Anyway we went inside and check the place out. It was really small and was not at all crowded. It was a good start. We waited a little bit, until Portugal. The man appeared and started playing really good songs (they are awesome, but not as energetic as elephant). We jumped a lot and enjoyed the show. Finally, it was the time for Cage to come out on stage: they lighted up the place in a second, with their energetic songs and moves on stage. It was awesome. We just kept dancing and jumping all around the place.
Kinda like in the middle of the concert, the vocalist took his shirt off and jumped into the audience. It was crazy. He was all over the place, he jumped back first, stomach first, head first, basically he did everything it could have been done. All in all it was an awesome show :p

Saturday 30 August 2014

beaches and islands and rivers and forest and cobblestone.

I would like to visit many places, but right now im going to focus in Croatia.
I first found out about this country while playing a football game (fifa street). In this game you could play in different venues form around the globe; one of them was Dubrovnik, Croatia. I felt an immediate attraction for this ancient and quite orange city.After that i also find out that there is an ancient Roman coliseum far better maintained that the most famous one from Rome, much bigger and less crowded, so I thought it would be cool to visit there. Plus I also heard that Croatia has beautiful beaches, island, rivers and forest (I like beaches and islands and rivers and forest xd).
I think I would like to live there. But I dont think I would study because I would have to understand and speak and write in Croatian really good, and thats bloody hard. So, I imagine my self living there, working at a bakery store or something of the source, going to the beach, using a bike to move along Duborvniks tiny and cobblestoned streets.

Friday 29 August 2014

first blog. welcome. to the machine.

I really dont now why i chose sociology as a career. I think it was beacuse it had lots of subjects i was fond of when i was at school, but, beeing absolutley honest, it was more like a hunch(really dont now how to wright that word) than a real, well meditated desition . Dont get me wrong. It wastnt a "heat of the momment thing". It was more like this: I thought of studyng anything related to social studies, history, arts and that kinds of things.Basiclly anything that didnt envolve  chemistry or phisics-jaja. So, after I recived the PSU results, little by little, I began to throw some posibilities away. That was the case of law school, archictecture and so on, up until I got to choose between sociology or anthropology. I finnaly decided for sociology just because. It probably had to do with the fact that my cousin is a sociologyst so I felt more familiar with what it was all about.
On the other hand, I had prety clear I wanted to study at this university (unlike the carrer stuff). I think this was because of the people: opend minded, relax, and that sort of stuff. Actually I have to confess that when i was doing some research on this institution I found out about something called Juan Gomez Millas. I felt in love at the moment. So, what really happened was that I chose sociology not only because it envolves history and social studies, but because it belonged to this wonderful campus we have the privilege to call home (: .
I didnt enter sociology with future plans. As I mentioned earlier i didnt enter because I thought it was the right carrer for me or anythin; I just thought it would be cool to study at JGM (and it has :) ). So I dondt have many plans for my future "as a sociologyst", actually, i dont even now if i would like to continue in this career (: xd. But as to future in more general terms i would love to live in the "wild" (like into the wild or something like that, only that in a more comfortable weather jjaja).