Friday 29 August 2014

first blog. welcome. to the machine.

I really dont now why i chose sociology as a career. I think it was beacuse it had lots of subjects i was fond of when i was at school, but, beeing absolutley honest, it was more like a hunch(really dont now how to wright that word) than a real, well meditated desition . Dont get me wrong. It wastnt a "heat of the momment thing". It was more like this: I thought of studyng anything related to social studies, history, arts and that kinds of things.Basiclly anything that didnt envolve  chemistry or phisics-jaja. So, after I recived the PSU results, little by little, I began to throw some posibilities away. That was the case of law school, archictecture and so on, up until I got to choose between sociology or anthropology. I finnaly decided for sociology just because. It probably had to do with the fact that my cousin is a sociologyst so I felt more familiar with what it was all about.
On the other hand, I had prety clear I wanted to study at this university (unlike the carrer stuff). I think this was because of the people: opend minded, relax, and that sort of stuff. Actually I have to confess that when i was doing some research on this institution I found out about something called Juan Gomez Millas. I felt in love at the moment. So, what really happened was that I chose sociology not only because it envolves history and social studies, but because it belonged to this wonderful campus we have the privilege to call home (: .
I didnt enter sociology with future plans. As I mentioned earlier i didnt enter because I thought it was the right carrer for me or anythin; I just thought it would be cool to study at JGM (and it has :) ). So I dondt have many plans for my future "as a sociologyst", actually, i dont even now if i would like to continue in this career (: xd. But as to future in more general terms i would love to live in the "wild" (like into the wild or something like that, only that in a more comfortable weather jjaja).    


  1. Hey there Ian!
    I understand you a lot, I picked my career (anthropology) because it had most of the stuff I liked at school.

    I really like the campus as well! And I agree with you, it does feel like home, specially FACSO.

    See ya
    Paula Murat

  2. I think Sociology is a good choice :D
